With the story of how she arrived at her cottage home, which she calls Le Papillon (The Butterfly), Shannon Ables focuses on understanding ourselves and the world, and on living everyday with true contentment. Each person’s journey and discoveries will determine their unique destination, whether a place or something intangible.
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Living a life of contentment in our everydays opens us to vast possibilities, grounding our lives, relationships, and engagement with the world in peace, starting from within and elevating the quality of our lives. We cultivate contentment by:
• Trusting our journey and engaging fully as our true selves.
• Learning to understand our minds and emotions, and to interact well with others.
• Letting go of expectations and remaining open to the unknown.
We become able to savor daily moments — sipping a hot cuppa as the sun rises; sharing loving exchanges with a partner, child, friend, colleague, or neighbor; delighting in the evanescent gems Mother Nature bestows.
If we insist on knowing how our life journey will unfold, we disrupt the potential for magic to occur. And rather than wait for something “better,” something “more,” we invest in the present moment. We participate rather than demand, celebrate rather than control. We become love rather than wait for love.
In The Road to Le Papillon, Shannon tells intimate, never-before-shared, pivotal life stories that brought her to Le Papillon. With nods to the inspiration she finds in the French and British cultures, she lays out an array of skills and ahas, many new, others shared in her first two books, Choosing the Simply Luxurious Life and Living the Simply Luxurious Life, and on her blog The Simply Luxurious Life and her podcast The Simple Sophisticate.
The book is organized by theme. Each daily entry concludes with a call to action and a petit plaisir (a simple everyday luxury). Readers are urged to explore further with suggestions for reading or listening, or tips for the amateur gardener and chef.
This book will help you along the deeper journey to discovering your best self as you begin to trust your intuition and listen to your curiosity.

Living simply luxuriously is a choice: to think critically, to live courageously, and to savor the everydays as much as the grand occasions. As you learn to live well in your everydays, you will elevate your experience and recognize what is working for you and what is not. With this knowledge, you let go of the unnecessary, thus simplifying your life and removing the complexity. Choices become easier, life has more flavor, and you begin to feel deeply satisfying true contentment. The cultivation of a unique simply luxurious life is an extraordinary daily journey that each of us can master, leading us to our fullest potential.
- Recognize your innate strengths
- Acquire the skills needed to nurture your best self
- Identify and navigate past societal limitations often placed upon women
- Strengthen your brand both personally and professionally
- Build a supportive and healthy community
- Cultivate effortless style
- Enhance your everyday meals with seasonal fare
- Live with less, so that you can live more fully
- Understand how to make a successful fresh start
- Establish and mastermind your financial security
- Experience great pleasure and joy in relationships
- Always strive for quality over quantity in every arena of your life
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Women have never had so many options. Yet we often experience a kind of paralysis, an unconscious willingness to follow societal dictates rather than become the CEOs of our own lives. When we mindlessly follow the dots, we smother our innate gifts and miss opportunities to fulfill our true potential.

- Design a life of purpose that is aligned with your passions and talents
- Become financially independent
- Enjoy cultivating a healthy mind and body
- Build and maintain strong, loving relationships
- Create a chic, timeless signature style
- Design a comfortable home that is a true sanctuary
- Travel in comfort and style
- Discover simple pleasures that make each day something to look forward to
You can curate the life of your dreams by being purposeful and selective, no matter where you live, your income, or your relationship status. Luxury and true fulfillment are ours for the having if we know where to look and how to make the right choices.
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1st & 2nd book?
Great question!
The 1st book shares the foundation of the simply luxurious life – the concepts of living a life of quality over quantity in each arena of our lives: purpose, finances, signature style, healthy and strong relationships, good health and fitness in mind and body, traveling well, designing an inviting sanctuary, entertaining with ease and an entire chapter dedicated to indulging your inner Francophile.
The 2nd book offers the tools to tailor your everyday life and thus, cultivate your best life to utilize your strengths to reach your full potential – a truly singular and individual journey. Such a life will be unique to each reader as you learn how to maximize your toolbox of strengths and skills, build your brand in your career and life, masterfully dance in the kitchen everyday, simply and deliciously with seasonal fare inspired by a love of the French approach to cooking that is not only good, but good for you, hone your effortless style, step away from limiting societal expectations specifically those often placed upon women, build relationships of respect and love, master your financial security and design everydays that pair perfectly with how you love living your life to enjoy true contentment no matter what the circumstances of the outside world.

3 Book Bundle
The Bookloft / Enterprise, Oregon
If you would like your local bookstore or boutique to sell signed copies and be added to the list above, contact
Shannon at shannon@thesimplyluxuriouslife.com
For press and publicity inquiries, please email press@thesimplyluxuriouslife.com